Tag Archive for: input

Formula to JSON

Define formula using variables and transform it to JSON if it’s a valid math expression using Math.js

Formula validator

Define formula using variables and check if it’s a valid math expression using Math.js

HTML range value

Shortest version without form, min or external JavaScript.

HTML input time

Firefox Nightly version (at least) is going to support (but poorly) HTML input date and HTML input time. You will be able to use natively widgets in updated browsers without depending on third party libraries. However, there are some limitations, if you have ever dealt with an HTML input time you know what it is about, try to set up maximum or minimum hours/minutes and/or change from 12 hours format to 24 hours and viceversa. By now, the best solution to avoid headaches or wastes of time is to use 2 inputs of the type number and a pinch of JS.

HTML input with units