
Just earned my 6th star on the Problem Solving Badge on HackerRank using JavaScript (Node.js)!

Rank: 15.304 of a million and a half. 108 challenges solved.

I will keep my stars but I will lose that rank because I’m not doing more code challenges. I have really enjoyed this platform but I’m moving to something different where I can help people with their real code/apps. However, if you have plenty of time and want to level up your problem solving skills, and even find good jobs, you can try out, the interface is really intuitive and they have many different programming languages to choose 🙂

I thought that they would give me a t-shirt or something but not, so I designed my own one about solving daily problems!

Speech about JavaScript in the Impaciencia Festival

Science, Engineering, Art and Communication Festival with collaborations from Seville, Granada, Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva and Málaga universities.

Article about us in a national newspaper

Today has been published an article about us in a national newspaper.


Virtual reality and control system made in the south of Spain (Málaga). It’s wonderful to have such a team 🙂

Here you can read the full article in spanish!


Interfaces Hombre Máquina awarded in the INCENSe II Call

Our Street Lighting System (helioslumen.com) has been awarded in the INCENS II Call. Within the next 6 months we are going to integrate it into the Fiware technology, as well as adapt it to the European markets.


In the photo above there is a part of the team with the Head of Market from Endesa, Javier Uriarte Monereo.