
I created the exact same app in Vue and Vanilla. I called it Papafilms (yes, potatos and films…), you can search films, save your favorite ones and see details in a cool minimalistic and responsive interface. A small basic app to test Vue vs Vanilla code. Check it here from any device.

Papafilms tablet version

Both versions are exactly the same, only Vue is a little bit slower and with more boilerplate. I spent most of the time with CSS. In this case, for such a small app, it could be enaugh with just modern Vanilla. However, a really good point about Vue (or React) is that they make all developers to code in more or less a similar pattern.

Papapfilms mobile version

I have used React and Vue before. They are very similar, it’s not that I don’t like them but they tie you to many dependencies, are verbose, heavyweight (not as much as Angular), slow (Virtual DOM) and their components are not compatible. Those frontend frameworks/libraries had a reason to exist in 2013, but with the web components and the current state of Browser Engines there is no real need for the current abuse of Angular, React and Vue in small apps.

To be honest with you I’m switching to a totally different approach, nowdays I’m using Svelte in small, medium and large apps (used by Facebook, Apple, etc).

Here you have some of the Svelte main advantages:

  • Easy
  • Nice syntax and semantics
  • Write less code
  • Truly reactivity
  • Transitions and animations
  • Compilers enable output flexibility
  • Great performance (vanilla, no virtual DOM, no need to load the framework in the browser, etc)
  • Feels good
  • Aligns with the web platform

Give it a try for yourself and enjoy coding!

Svelte T-Shirt

Hello Covid

Hello Covid is an interactive story, built to support and reassure children under the age of 7, regarding the COVID-19.

This content is a resource for families and educators to allow discussions and conversations with kids regarding the current situation and how they feel about it.

It also try to tell the children who the coronavirus is and how we can deal with it to avoid anxiety and frustration.

It is important to point out that this resource does not seek to be a source of scientific information.

Here are some screenshot examples:

Codebase in GitLab repositories
Read the interactive story online
Download the app on any Android device


Markets is a mobile app for fetching the markets information based on typed city or user’s location in a city. It uses the open API data from wo is markt (Where is market) project.

Here are some screenshot examples:

This app was a 6 hours challange I overcame. I retain the rights to the source code and all the related development. However, I cannot give futher documentation because it’s confidential and belongs to this great company I was working for. Feel free to check, change and use the code : )

Codebase in Gitlab repositories.

Butaquin Heating

Heating system for cinema seats using radio frequency modules. The seats carry a device to control their temperature remotely. The person in charge of the accommodation can select any individual seat, group or area and define temperature during a specific time schedule.

Butaquin Heating App

Dumper Security

Security system for trucks in mines using radio frequency modules. The trucks carry a device in the back and the miners in their helmets. Workers are warned of the degree of danger according to their proximity to the trucks. There are several alarm types that are fully configurable by zones: vibration, siren or alarm in headphones. In addition, you can locate the tracks and workers, stop trucks or indicate breakdown or repair. The person in charge of the mine uses this application to configure the trucks and protect her staff.

Dumper Security App