
Sports bet forecasting system based on analytics from data and tipsters.

In early 2018, when I was still working in the Smart City sector, a couple of colleagues of mine came with the idea of creating a bet forecast system for sports. Mainly football, tennis and basketball matches.

I haven’t bet in my life, nor went to a casino but the idea was really good because they were regular bettors and the market was expanding. Just one year after, every simple corner in Europe got a betting house.

They were using MasxMenos and professional tipsters on Telegram to get sports match predictions (tips) and Bet360 to bet.

Our budget at that moment was quite small and neither of my colleagues knew how to code, so I spent all my spare time working after work on our project: INMOBET.

There wasn’t any API available, all the crucial information for the final bets were images on Telegram and Gmail (directly from tipsters)

So, to cope and offer valuable data to our users I created a neural network with Brain.js fed with Color Thief and Tesseract able to analyze and send to our Telegram Channels tips to  improve their betting.

It worked perfectly after a couple of iterations, we raised almost 400 users but then the betting house started to close bets in the market sooner than ever.

Bet360 was detecting many users betting on specific matches and with a high yield of earnings, so they decided to reduce the bet time dramatically. It was almost impossible to jump from our Telegram Channels to the Bet360 App, even though we spent just one second on posting what our users had to do to have a safe bet.

It was nice while it lasted. Inmobet worked for a couple of months until Bet360 cut our bet time. We decided to close the project 7 months after, aslo our competitors started having the same problem.

For my personal perspective, even though as I told you before I’m not a real fan of betting, I enjoyed the challenging coding experience. I learned a lot, it was my first time using: Brain.js, Tesseract.js, Mutation Observers and Telegram Bots : )

Codebase in GitLab repositories

Simon Game

Have you ever played to Simon? That game where you have to memorize an incremental sequence of colors. Today I’m bring to you this famous game in ES6 using CSS transformations and animations. Open it in a new browser window or tab and stretch or shrink the area to see how the game is always visible, there are not scroll bar at all, pure responsiveness, enjoy the play 🙂

Code once, run everywhere: Simon Game in Google Play

Hermes Config

Full app to install pedestals in marinas (ports) using our free band smart network for comunications/control. First of all, you need an Hermes Marinas installation to start using it.


Here is the link to the Gloogle Play Store: Hermes Config

Smart City installations

Here you are, our Smart Radio Network installations in Spain. Any of these mesh networks works in the Free Band frequency, so you don’t have to pay for comunications. The maximum scope between two isolated nodes is up to 1 km. This is our own technology:

There are also others technologies, such as WiFi, Zigbee, etc; but they don’t have enough scope or they are more expensive in practice. Some competitors like Philip are using 3G/4G but that makes you pay each month per each node and they cannot control as many nodes as we do, we have networks with up to 3000 nodes and growing up. Some of our current customer came from competitors solutions.

In Helios, our lighting system, we are using our network to control each light individually, groups and monitoring consumption. We solve the energy deficiencies and cost of lighting in cities, we reduce human resources of lighting maintenance and detect lighting problems. Citizen wanted better quality services, they used to be the ones who notify lighting problems. With Helios one person can manage many installations at the same time. Full remote control of your lighting and consumption.

I’m really proud of what we have created because we reduce contamination, energy and costs. These things are possible when you work with a great team full of good values with a common goal: a better world.


Currently, we are doing research to modify our radio transmission network into a network for the Internet of Things. A network full of sensors: presence, movements, contamination, temperature, noise detections, etc. Once we have installed our new firmware, it will be so easy to add sensors. The lights have created the city network for that.

  • With presence detectors (commercial devices) in our network, we can light up those bus stop where there are people standing, crosswalks and so on.
  • Using modules in trash tracks we can light up the street where the workers are, and change the illumination in real time at the same time they are moving, while they are driving to the next container.
  • We will be able to detect contamination per zones or even on streets.
  • We will be able to stop extra irrigation of green zones detecting humidity.
  • We will be able to control traffic lights.

Helios Torch

Material app for setting the intensity and area of light. It acts like a torch, the area where you are walking is lighting up.
In this image there are two different versions, the one I full developed is at the right side. All the interaction are reflected in the circle (area/intensity of light) and you can pan and pinch with your fingers in any part of your smart phone screen xD.


Helios Torch is a class of Helios sensor. All sensor are included and automatic detected in the Helios Sensor full app.