Freehand Drawing in HTML5 Canvas

We are gonna use PointerEvents that are hardware agnostic (mouse, pen, touch, etc) to draw lines in an HTML Canvas.

Drag and Drop a File

Drag and drop an image from your computer into a div and set it as its background.

Find a null inside an object

It’s not a super strict approach but could be really helpful.

Basic LISP Parser

Have you ever think about analysing the syntax of another computer language to use it in the one you are working with? We are going to transform a valid LISP expression (string) into a JavaScript object.

Homeworks: check if it’s a valid LISP expression.


Markets is a mobile app for fetching the markets information based on typed city or user’s location in a city. It uses the open API data from wo is markt (Where is market) project.

Here are some screenshot examples:

This app was a 6 hours challange I overcame. I retain the rights to the source code and all the related development. However, I cannot give futher documentation because it’s confidential and belongs to this great company I was working for. Feel free to check, change and use the code : )

Codebase in Gitlab repositories.