Image gallery with captions and lightbox

We basically use a Flexbox section to insert HTML figures with images and captions, and an extra div to maximize the clicked image. All effects are Pure CSS, the JavaScript is really simple, only to deploy the HTML and launch the lightbox.

Tree view of directories

In this example I’ve defined a web project structure in a JSON to show a basic (but beauty) tree view of folders and files. Click on folders to display 🙂

Some Web Technologies Enhancements – Proposals and Ideas

Powerful enhancements that are coming to the standard and ideas that would make our lives even easier when dealing with web technologies.

Some Web Technologies Enhancements – Proposals and Ideas on Medium.

CSS 3D Layers Effect

Show huge tables in any device

We use Clusterize.js to display big data sets easily and CSS Grid to fix our HTML table.

Try to slide up/down and left/right in your phone/tablet.