Freehand Drawing in HTML5 Canvas

We are gonna use PointerEvents that are hardware agnostic (mouse, pen, touch, etc) to draw lines in an HTML Canvas.

Ubuntu Terminal Adwaita-dark in CSS

Dear fellas, now that we have extra time at home thanks to coronavirus, I would like to share an article where we explain how to recreate the Linux terminal using only CSS and semantic HTML. It is a cool exercise for those who are starting with CSS or wanna refresh some concepts. We will follow the Adwaita-dark theme appearance but you can use any other or even give your personal touch. Hope you like it ^^

Ubuntu Terminal Adwaita-dark on Medium.

Drag and Drop a File

Drag and drop an image from your computer into a div and set it as its background.

CSS Grid Masonry


Markets is a mobile app for fetching the markets information based on typed city or user’s location in a city. It uses the open API data from wo is markt (Where is market) project.

Here are some screenshot examples:

This app was a 6 hours challange I overcame. I retain the rights to the source code and all the related development. However, I cannot give futher documentation because it’s confidential and belongs to this great company I was working for. Feel free to check, change and use the code : )

Codebase in Gitlab repositories.